Sunday, November 13, 2011

My 10 cents You Would Not Want to Take

I’m a good listener, I really am.  In my head I’m judging you but you see nothing but my concerned look.  And when I cannot help but answer, I try to be as gentle as how I would always handle myself.  But if I were to be truly honest, no holds barred, I’d be an angry Orton all over you.  To some of the people I haven’t been truly honest with, whether because I don’t want you to hate me or because I don’t care enough to be this honest with you, I’m sledgehammering you with honesty, just this time.

You are a horrible friend.  You are never there when anyone needs you, but you always seem to be so present when you need something.  And you know what?  You are actually turning into everything you used to hate.  And you have horrible taste. 

I do not get you.  You are nice and all but how do you expect people to take you seriously?  What do you really want?  Be realistic.  You can’t choose between New York and Paris if you are Malabon.  And will you quit copying people.?  You are making it hard for me to adore you.

You are too childish for all of these.  That’s coming from ME.  Yes, be ashamed.  You try to sound all grown up but in reality, you’re a whiny little baby.  If only you’re mature enough to handle being told so, I would have said it right to your face a long time ago.

Get a life.  Seriously, you are draining the little happiness left inside me and sucking it in your whirlpool of hopelessness.  And then I feel a little happy again, knowing I am not as pitiful as you.  You have a lot of potential but you choose to be so annoying.  I’m not sure if you think we find it cute, but I tell you, it is NOT.  Don’t be a drag, just be a queen.

You are not in a drama made by writers paid to make loveless viewers feel loved.  If any, you are that loveless viewer.  Come on, you are smarter than that.

You are a mystery to me.  I totally get you, but not quite.  I almost always understand you, but I can never guess what you’d do next.  I want to sit down and have a talk with you, but you always seem so hard to reach.  Hmm...

Honey, I’m sorry but you’re no Barbie.  I know I’m not that pretty myself, but I try not to look and sound like a total ditz.  Seriously, stop talking about boys.  We all think you’re delusional.

And last, but not the least, you.  You think you’re all great and smart and perfect?  Stop acting like you have everyone figured out.  You are the worst.  You run away from everything once it starts getting complicated.  Commitment suffocates you. When things don’t go your way, you self-destruct like a Voltorb losing a battle.  Then you think you’re so strong and emotionally stable just because you don’t whine about things that really matter to you as much as everyone else.  Yet you’re here, blogging about stupid you think everyone is.  I feel for you though, for you spent the last few years listening to rants, and now, talking to yourself on a Sunday night.  Life is bitchier than you.

If you think I'm talking about you, don't even ask.  I probably am, and I'm almost certain you can't handle me confirming it IS you.

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