Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What it Means to be a Strong Girl

It means tweeting only about how much you’re craving for burger from that awesome store near your apartment and never about how much you miss hanging out there with your friends and lovers.   You won’t even say how you wish you still had your apartment. Cue flashbacks of those fun tipsy nights and intimate afternoons that reminded you how much you’ve missed out because you were an anti-social teen.

It means being ‘okay’ with everything because a ‘strong girl’ doesn’t - NEVER, gives a crap.  You and your friends can talk about how your life's screwed up like you’re talking about how slow the train was this morning.  And when they ask you if you’re okay, of course, you’re always okay.  Can I use that catch phrase that drives you nuts? Okay. Can I hang out with that guy you want to stab in the face? Okay.  Can I ignore your messages and talk to this friend who’s having a more interesting week? Okay.  Heck, they don’t even ask anymore.  Because you’re ALWAYS okay.

You never hear her complain.

It means numbing your senses and turning blind when something you do not like, say a juicy comment from someone you deeply dislike, keeps popping out like a wild Rattata.  You act like a level 65 Blastoise and not waste a move on such a worthless rat.  And when that song that encapsulates everything you felt plays while you're with your friends at a quaint teahouse, all you can hear is the conversation of the hipsters talking about ponchos at the other side of the room.  And your tea no longer tastes like a blend of herbs, delicately crushed and brewed to erfection. It’s just… tea.  And everything else smells like funk.  Sense of touch?  You never had it.

Your conversations with yourself always end with “I don’t care.  I’m getting cheese fries.”

“Strong girls” are just so cool about everything, but sometimes, on very rare occasions, they forget who they are and give hints of dismay, trying to keep it as cryptic as possible.  But you do not ask her if something’s bothering her, because a ‘strong girl’ is ALWAYS okay.

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